Game Boy brought home a yummy recipe from school for us to try: Quick Microwave Cinnamon Rolls. They were quick, they were easy, and they were completely delicious. Plus, he gets extra credit for baking at home. Sweet!
I just wanted to express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son and all that Christ's life and mission mean to me and my family. He truly is the "truth, the way, and the life." May this Easter Season bring you closer to the Savior and His Father.God bless us, everyone.
...but it's still not fun. Plus, the doctor told me that it can evolve into pneumonia if I'm not careful. The two days off of work have been nice and relaxing. Psycho Wunderhund is also enjoying the time out of the snow. The house is much more comfortable than the back yard. Poor puppy.