Having passed my first HTML class with flying colors (bragging rites are MINE!), I've moved onto the next level of learning this fun and sometimes complex skill.
For this class, I'll be working on a single website. It's a recipe sharing site where family members (and friends, or course) can submit and view favorite recipes. I still have a few things to figure out before it will be completely working, but here's a preview:
Parker & Merrill Family Recipes
Let me know what you think.
So, Mr. Perfect's boss hired me to redesign the company website. I must admit, I found it a little intimidating in the beginning. And even though it's up and running, there are still things I wish I could (and know I should be able to) do better. At least I'll get to keep working on it and making it better.
The company is MJ Structural Engineers. They are a small but very experienced structural engineering firm in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm hoping that by blogging about it, they will move up in the Google search engine world. We can always hope. Anyhoo, here's the link to their site: MJ Structural Engineers.
Let me know what you think.
My HTML class is almost over. I've learned so much. It's really quite exciting. Mr. Perfect thinks that after the second class, I'll probably be able to help them redesign the website for his company. Sounds fun and challenging. I may start a whole new second career. Of course, I'll need a lot more classes and training before I would feel completely comfortable asking people to pay me for my services, but this is a start.
So, back to what I've been up to in the class. Click here to see my final project. I'm still working on it, so you might have fun coming back a couple of times to see the progress.
Through my work, I've started an online class to learn basic and then advanced HTML (HyperText Markup Language), XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language), and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It's been a blast so far (possibly because I've passed all of my assignments so far). Right now, we're just starting with the basics of how to create and stylize web pages (HTML 4.01). Here are links to my assignments so far:
And now you're probably thinking "Wow, big deal. The blog looks much cooler than that stuff!" True, but the blogging template is set up for me here. I mostly just type in what I want it to say, and use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor to change font, color, style (bold, italics, underlined, etc.). I can go into the HTML and change some things, but not everything. In the class, I'll not only control the content, but every aspect of how it looks. It's really fun. With the blog, I chose the theme, but I didn't create it.
Most interesting thing I've learned so far: