Monday, May 31, 2010

Random things in Las Vegas...

...or is that lost wages?

Okay, so this trip wasn't that random. We had a family wedding there. What was really funny was that people at work would ask what we had planned for the weekend. I'd tell them we were going to Las Vegas, and they'd say "Oh, how fun." Then I mentioned the family wedding, and the next question was usually "Which casino/hotel?" I tell them that there's an LDS temple in Vegas, and about half the time I'd be asked why they would choose the Vegas temple over one in Utah. Well, the bride's family lives there, the groom's family lives in Texas, and people were coming from all over the country to attend, so Vegas seemed like the most logical gathering place.

It was a beautiful ceremony and reception, and we had a lot of fun visiting with family we haven't seen for a long time (some since our own wedding over a year ago). The weather was nice (hot but not too hot), and we saw the Hoover Dam and the new bridge (it's not open yet for traffic but it looks really cool). Mr. Perfect and I ate dinner at great French restaurant in Paris Las Vegas. It's across from the Bellagio, so we were treated to good food and the fountains as well.

As fun as trips are, it's really nice to be home.

And I promise that I'll post pictures soon (I really, really promise).

Monday, May 24, 2010

Another post from that other blog

Where did I get such brilliant nephews and nieces? My siblings are doing a great job raising their children. So Genius Child #1 presented another great post that I commented on, and again I felt like I needed to post my answer here. His original posting is about how we can forget that the events of history affected real people.

Here's my response:

I think it can be easy to disconnect the realness of an event when viewed from the distance of time. I don't know if your mom has talked much about the Cambodian family who lived with us one summer when I was in junior high and she was in high school. Very real people doing amazing things in horrific situations. I think that experience has helped me to see the people and not just the event.

I think this is also why people have an easier time following a dead prophet than a living one: you don't see them in all of their flawed, wonderful reality. You can focus on just the amazing things that God did through them without having to come to grips with the fact of their humanity.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thoughts on music and emotional attachment

My nephew, Genius Child #1, has his own blog (it's one of the links under "Blogs you should read"), and he posed a question about music you can't stand anymore that you used to love, just because of the associations you have with people and the song. I really like my response to it, so I decided to post it here.

I don't know that I hate a song I used to love because of an association with someone. There are songs that I love listening to right now that I associate with my husband (sigh) or my parents or my piano students (okay, those are mostly pieces they've learned) or a friend. I think it's interesting that we can't really and truly hate something or someone we haven't had a strong, positive connection with. It stumps me when someone tells me that they hate me when I don't know them very well (like my husband's ex-wife -- I know she's never loved me). I don't hate her, but I do pity her greatly, and she can frustrate me like no one else when she acts irrationally or tries (and usually succeeds) in using the kids to hurt their dad.

I can also get sick of a song that get too much air time on the radio. Overkill kills the love for me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New jobs and other scary things

So after much thought, discussion, and prayer, we decided it was time for Mr. Perfect to leave the seemingly secure position at an established structural engineering firm and start working with a couple of friends who are starting their own firm. Over the past couple of years, he has realized his love of marketing and owning, and he joins this new firm with the firm (pun intended) goal of becoming a within the next two years.

It takes a lot of faith to make such a move, especially in this economic climate. And while logic tells us that we should be somewhat terrified about all of this, there is such a feeling of calm and rightness that when we talk about the possible downsides, we smile and know that whatever happens, this was still the correct decision.

Now, if only I could stop working...*sigh*

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day flowers and healing toes

Okay, so I promise not to show you another picture of my toe. It is healing well, and I expect the big nail on the other foot to come off soon.

Mother's Day was very nice, even though I had to teach Sunday school. And not just any class. Adult Gospel Doctrine. Old Testament. Deuteronomy. Very daunting. I'm glad it's over. We were fasting because we were making a huge decision about Mr. Perfect's job and a serious career move, so by the time they passed out the heart-shaped, pink-frosted cookies with "Mother" on them at the end of Sacrament Meeting, I was ready to eat the whole thing in one bite...I didn't.

We dropped by Ma and Pa Perfect's to say "Howdy" and bring Mother's Day joy before heading to Little Big Sis's for a turkey dinner with the other side of the family. All together, it was a most satisfying day.

Mr. Perfect gave me these beautiful flowers for Mother's Day. He even put them in the vase with the food and everything. He's so good.

(P.S. I shared the cookie with Mr. Perfect.)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This Mother's Day

Things I expect:
Love from my husband
Smiles and hugs from our Moms
Happiness because my Heavenly Father loves me

Things I don't expect:
Acknowledgement from the kids in any way

Things I've learned:
Pick your battles carefully...not everything is worth the price
but some things are

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The toe is healing

It's slow-going, and everyone who has lost a nail keeps telling me it can take a year for it to grow back. At least the ointment and drugs from the doc helped. There is no sign of infection, and it doesn't hurt as much either. Still not up to wearing most of my shoes, though. Bummer.


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