Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Playlists and other odd music things

I just realized that I have not blogged much about music. If you don't know me very well, you're probably thinking to yourself "So what?" If you know me anywhere from slightly to very well, you're probably thinking "Wow, that's strange!"

You see, I have a degree from the University of Utah in Music Education, specifically choral conducting and vocal pedagogy. (That's fancy-shmancy talk for "I know how to wave my arms and tell you how to sing the right way".)  I teach piano and voice privately (I know I've blogged about piano recitals -- okay, maybe one piano recital). I play the piano at church for the choir and the children's group (Primary). I started taking piano lessons from my grandmother when I was 6. I played the violin from grades 4 through 11. I sang in the school choirs from grade 9 through college. I MAJORED in music at the university. My whole, entire family (all seven of us) play the piano and at least one other instrument. (Yes, yes, very noisy Saturdays growing up.)

What all of this means is that music has been a major part of my life since before many of the people I know were born.

So why the minimal blogs about music? Hmm....I'll have to think about that one for a while.

Anywho, on to the main topic of this post. Last night, Mr. Perfect had to stay up rather late to get some work done. He wanted music playing, but his iPod was out in the garage in Dexter. Mine was close by, so I plugged it into the stereo and asked what he was in the mode to listen to.

"Music but no spoken stuff."

Ah, he knows me too well. I currently have the talks from the last three LDS General Conferences on my iPod, and I love it when they come up randomly while I'm listening to music at work. I also realized that I have a book that I've loaded that I haven't labeled correctly. It still shows up randomly when I'm playing music.

I need to fix that.

So, what do you have on your iPod or other music playing device that might seem weird to other people? I currently have over 12,000 tracks on mine, so there's no limit to the crazy things you might come across while listening to it.


Mrs.Spy said...

Do you teach private voice lessons?
Parker would be interested if it is sometihng we can fit in our budget.
Drop me a note and let me know if that is something we could arrange.

Mrs.Spy said...

Also, my ipod is so random. I have a ton of audiobooks so if I do the random shuffle, every so often we get chapter six of Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites or something. There is also a lot of Christmas music, comedy and everything from Broadway to country on it.

Most Happy Girl said...

I do teach voice. I haven't worked with many boys or young men, but I'm willing if he is. We'll have to talk. :)


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